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Linda Waldon here. I'll be your mentor for this deep dive into the Closets To Cash MasterClass. I am 1000% committed to delivering tremendous value -- no bullshit, no time-wasting lectures, no cookie cutter coaching. Each and every week for three weeks, I pour my heart and soul into each of my participants. I'm also completely available via email and live Zoom between meetings for added support.


A little about me:

I'm a 70-year-old woman living in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with my artist husband, Robert Oblon Sr., and Rhodesian Ridgeback, Miles Davis. We live on five acres near the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, just 15 minutes from the Downtown Plaza. Pretty much heaven!


I work almost every day of the week doing what I love, which is either selling my clients' clothing online, doing closet cleanouts, recording a weekly podcast, Living Visibly Over 50, with my partner, Lisa D. Liguori, speaking to local women's groups, or teaching classes. It's a full plate! But, I love doing each of these tasks, so it's a labor of love.


I'm passionate about teaching what I know. It's in my soul to teach, nurture, and guide my students.

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My Story



Boy, there are moments in your life when you just know something powerful just happened.


And that doesn’t mean there were fireworks overhead, big awards being handed to you or even a round of applause.


But inside you just know…“THAT WAS BIG.”


I had one of those moments fifteen years ago. 


I was Director of Training at a software company.  I won’t go into my story too much, but will relate enough so you can follow.


I had been working in high tech since 1978 (I know, right?). We were changing the world with personal computers and I was thrilled to be teaching people how to use computers.


Exciting. Worldly. Magical…Exhausting!


I was a mother. I was an executive in the software industry. I gave it my all.


Then, my company moved to the east coast and offered me a layoff package. I was tired and ready for a change after thirty years. I made plans to move away from the rat race and find a smaller town with a slower pace of life.


My mind, body, and spirit needed a change of venue – and I needed a new passion.


Can you relate?


…and that’s when it happened. BAMM!


That’s when I saw HER in a class I was taking.


A woman who was so poised, put-together, postured, impressive. I had to meet her!

So one night I introduced myself to her and asked her how she could look so beautiful every night.


She told me she had just attended a color & style workshop and learned how to dress. She invited me to attend one of the workshops.


It. Changed. My. Life.


I soon discovered I was wearing all the WRONG colors and styles. Of course! That’s why I never felt beautiful or well put-together.


I learned that each of us has a signature style and personality just waiting to be harmoniously displayed.


Once I started wearing my best colors and styles, the inner me started changing. Seriously.




I knew if I could feel this great I could help other women feel great, too. After all, I’m a teacher. It’s what I do.


I created a program that takes women through the process of learning about themselves –  a style self-discovery journey.


It’s much more than what you wear. It’s how you FEEL about yourself.


Once you discover yourself, and project your beauty and power into the world, you will never go back.


So…fast forward THIRTEEN YEARS…I’ve been teaching and consulting with clients to help them feel more confident and powerful. Four years ago my husband and I decided to move out of California to New Mexico and start over.


Then…as soon as we found the house of our dreams in Santa Fe, the PANDEMIC HIT. Everything shut down! Dang!


I had one client in New Mexico and no prospects for more clients for a while. All the clothing stores were closed temporarily. What was I going to do?


It got me thinking.


Well, that’s when the stroke of insight happened.  The BIG MOMENT…


“The mail is still working!”


I talked to so many women who were taking time during the shutdown to clean out their closets.This could be a great time to offer my services helping women sell their discarded clothing online and make extra cash!


I started educating myself on the best online venues to sell clothing & accessories, what they charge, and learned each of their processes.


It took me THREE YEARS to hone my knowledge of selling pre-owned clothing & accessories.


The post-Covid world has changed us in so many ways. We’ve learned how to live with less and be happier with less stuff!


And it is so true. None of my clients have EVER complained about getting rid of the clothes they sold. In fact it helped them have FUN WITH FASHION again!


I’m asking you to trust that I can teach you how to help yourself and others to dress in a way that makes them feel just as powerful and confident (or even MORE) with fewer clothes in their closet. I will teach you how to create a Style Profile for your clients...AND…I will teach you how to sell their gems efficiently and quickly.


Think about what having an extra $1,000-$2,000 a month to spend or save for your future would do for you. I’m betting you’d love to have extra cash coming in to take vacations, remodel your kitchen or update your wardrobe!


Would you be willing to invest a little time and a little money to learn how to help others feel more confident and powerful?


  • If you’re retired and looking for extra spending money, I can help you earn at your own pace and work as hard as you want to.  Check!


  • If you have a passion for fashion and you would love to spend your free time helping others feel more beautiful and put together, I’ve got a formula to teach you that will make this happen. Check!


  • If you’d like to feel more valuable and relevant, I can teach you how to give other women (and men) the gift of closet clarity and extra cash. Check!


  • If you’re in a lifestyle rut, I can help you get out of it and get moving to where you deserve to be. Check!


Ok, here’s your first step!


Sign up for my premiere value MasterClass NOW. It's a three-week program that meets for an hour twice a week on Zoom, with homework in between sessions. 


Here's What You Get:


6 hours of live instruction with Linda


Real world practice as a Personal Stylist


Receive 1:1 coaching with Linda


Business checklists & templates to set up your business


A copy of Linda's book "Turn Your Closet Into Cash!"



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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